In these recommendations you can find Kore-eda’s “Shoplifters” and Birnbaum’s classic masterpiece about Wonder Woman, Bergman’s “Fanny and Alexander” as well as Noé’s “Climax”. There’s also an intriguing exhibition at Tartu Art House, the presentation of Muravskaja’s artist book at Puänt Bookshop, christmas market at Baltic Station as well as a music concert at House of the Blackheads and a rave party at Von Krahl.

Film “Shoplifters”

17 Dec
18 Dec
19 Dec
20 Dec
Cinema Sõprus

The Palme d’Or awarded sharply humanistic drama continues Kore-eda’s fascination with profound family ties, which hardly can be broken by toughest challenges, financial problems, everyday troubles and longly hidden secrets.

13th emotional and melancholic film by Hirokazu Kore-eda broke attendance records and gained 2,65 mln. admissions at home, but sparked controversial reactions with a deeply touching depiction of unflattering poverty in Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was not so happy to watch provocative social-realism and remained silent on his golden victory in Cannes from 5th attempt (Like Father, Like Son, Our Little Sister, Nobody Knows, Distance).

Exhibition “Links to the World. Dara Birnbaum”

17 Dec – 10 Feb 2019
Tartu Art Museum

The exhibition focuses on the American artist Dara Birnbaum (b 1946) and her work “Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman” that has become a classic masterpiece of video art and that takes a critical look at the depiction and image of women in popular culture.

Birnbaum’s 1978–1979 video “Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman” is a characteristic example of her art. In the video, that consists of sections of the 1970s American TV series “Wonder Woman”, we see the actress Lynda Carter transforming from a secretary to a super heroine accompanied by repetitive explosions. The curator Joanna Hoffmann adds: “Birbaum’s work makes controversial and humorous connections between the cult TV series, gender stereotypes and the contemporary society. By the way, isn’t it ironic that in the series the name of the female heroine in Diana Prince?”

Exhibition “Among Ourselves. Woman Portraying a Woman”

17 Dec 2018 – 28 Apr 2019
Tartu Art Museum

The exhibition focuses on if and how the depiction of women as seen by female artists has changed. 69 works from 35 authors will be exhibited.

The exhibition offers an historical overview of the oeuvre of Estonian female artists from the beginning of the 1920s to the end of the 1980s, focusing on artists from Tartu. Included are many renowned authors (Silvia Jõgever, Kaja Kärner, Natalie Mei, Karin Luts, et al.) and some lesser known names (e.g. Ella Mätik, Erna Kreischmann and Silvia Leitu). Women’s relationships and intensive communication have been the basis of many portraits and discussions of art-related ideas, which together form the basis of the exhibition title.

Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander (Fanny och Alexander; 1982) will be shown.

Brief commentary before and discussion after the film. English subtitles.

Free entry!


Film “Climax”

18 Dec
20 Dec
22 Dec
Cinema Sõprus

You can love or hate the previous works of Gaspar Noé, it does not really matter, because this film you must see anyway. Yes, in the tradition of the classic Noé, it is macabre as hell.

A mad cocktail of music and horror, really, but this time, it is the absolutely breathtaking dance scenes that will steal your eyeballs, melt your mind and make it one of the most enigmatic cinema experiences ever. One could even take the risk and say that this just might be his friendliest work…

On December 19 at 6pm Tanja Muravskaja will present her artist book “A Book About a Soldier” at Puänt book store in Tallinn.

“A Book About a Soldier” — a series of portrait photographs of the NATO soldiers, who serve in Estonia, which has been shot by artist Tanja Muravskaja in Estonia, at the military base in Tapa, during 2016–2018. For the first time ever, a part of the portraits was on display at her personal exhibition titled “Hero” in Tartu Art House on 19.10–12.11.2017, and the entire series was shown at the international exhibition of curator Katerina Gregos “The State is not a Work of Art” in Tallinn Art Hall on 17.02–04.29.2018.

“A Book About a Soldier” tells us about the ultimate power of the soldier figure. The soldiers have something great about them, because they create a link between time and the immortality. We can see a democratic soldier in peaceful Europe and a belligerent soldier in hot spots around the world. The soldier figure seems a metaphor for the modern world, the modern age, and humaneness.

TAFF Club: Cones & Stumps: Leiburs, Remmels, Tafenaus

20 Dec
Tallinn Philharmonic Society House of the Blackheads

The Christmas of the TAFF Club will come a bit differently this year. The fathers and their children step onto the stage and the experience and energy of two different generations will be tied together.

ENSO’s concertmaster and violinist Arvo Leibur and his daughter, Marianne Leibur, a singer who graduated from two music school at the same time in spring.

Undoubtedly the nicest bass player in Estonia, Taavo Remmel who at the moment is a member of Hortus Musicus, and his son, pianist Joel Remmel, whose delightful piano play we have enjoyed in many collectives.

Very active and productive saxophonist Raivo Tafenau with his son, drummer Ramuel Tafenau, who plays in several ensembles.

Classics, jazz and folk, tango and musette are mixed together. A little bit of the past and some new sounds can be heard.

Christmas Market at Baltic Station

21 Dec
Baltic Station Market

The market of the Baltic Station is open longer than usual, until 9 p.m.! There will be many traders from all over Estonia, children can join the workshop of making gingerbread, everyone can have fun with Santa and there will be other surprises.

Christmas Rave à la Von Krahl

21 Dec
Von Krahl Theatre Bar

Christmas is a time of peace. Family and relatives are gathering in front of the fireplace, reading poems, opening presents, eating and drinking. Often, there’s no time to celebrate Christmas with friends and pay attention to them.

Von Krahl makes this possible!

11 p.m. aZd
12 midnight Saulus
1 a.m. Slin & Seadus
3-5 a.m. InZtance B2B Volume None – (Rebel Cause)

The first 100 guests will have a surprise. Doors will be opened at 11 p.m.