November in Estonia is always associated with the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, but in addition to this wonderful event, there are also others. Have a great week!

Lettering – Artist’s books and cut-outs by Varga Gábor Farkas (HU)
09 Nov – 27 Nov
Estonian Printing Museum

Gábor’s works have previously been presented both in Hungary and abroad but this is the first exhibition of his works in Estonia. As such the exhibition offers a glimpse into contemporary Hungarian graphic design.

Exhibition of modern Estonian design in Hiiumaa
04 Nov – 26 Nov
Nelja Nurga Gallery

The main focus is on home decoration: product design made of natural materials, innovative uses of traditional material, responsible production, and recycling. There are textiles and wood products, ingenious and fun. The exhibition is opened by the head of product design department of the Estonian Academy of Arts, professor Aivar Habakukk.

Black Nights Film Festival 2016
11 Nov – 27 Nov

The biggest and most important  film festival in Estonia has started and in addition to all important parts of the festival, there is also a film industry programme, which bring films and filmmakers to Tallinn from more than 70 countries from America to Asia.

Exhibition “Encounter Estonian Design. An Introduction“
29 Sep 2016 – 01 Jan 2017
Tartu Art Museum

Using a selection of examples that have been considered the most prominent of their time, it contextualizes the Estonian design landscape and reveals the various aspects that are its most distinguishing characteristics.

3rd Tallinn International Piano Competition
13 Nov – 23 Nov
Estonia Concert Hall

The Competition has 59 participants from 17 countries, including Japan, Korea, Ukraine, Serbia, Poland, Russia, Finland etc. 12 pianists are from Estonia. The competition will be held in three rounds. All rounds are open to the public. The 3rd round is performed with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Arvo Volmer.

Cinema concert Faust
15 Nov
Russian Theatre in Estonia

The silent challenge of Murnau from a century ago has been accepted by Olav Ehala, one of Estonia’s most beloved composers and pianists, who will take to the stage in the role of accompanist and create a unique world of sounds around the silent film. Murnau’s “Faust” was the first film to be screened at the cinema theatre Gloria Palace 90 years ago.

Lounging concert: TRIO Soon, Piho, Lepasson
19 Nov
Estonian Traditional Music Centre

The great hall will be filled with comfortable loungers, a cosy atmosphere will be created, and everyone will be allowed to let their thoughts wander away from everyday concerns by listening to beautiful native zither music.

Just Film 2016
15 Nov
All over Estonia
Just Film, taking place annually in the second half of November, screens over 50 films, which are suitable for both pre-schoolers as well as high school graduates. It is a part of the Tallinn Black Nights Festival, but is  also on its own the biggest film festival for children of all ages.