A great culture week that is ahead of us, offers quite an eclectic choice of events. So everyone should find something lovely to attend to.

4th Estonian Jew’s Harp festival
04 Feb
Café Sinilind

The Estonian Jew’s Harp Festival that takes place for the fourth time invites all the Jew’s harp owners to make their first steps with Estonia’s best Jew’s-harpers. This year’s festival again promises to assume international dimensions. Workshops for beginners and more experienced players will take place, Jew’s harps are played together, an orchestra of Jew’s harps will be formed and a concert will take place.

“Wave on Parquet” by Peeter Ulas, Villu Jaanisoo and Maria Metsalu
20 Jan – 19 Feb
Tallinn Art Hall Gallery

The exhibition includes the works of graphic artist Peeter Ulas (1934-2008), sculptor Villu Jaanisoo (1963) and performance artist Maria Metsalu (1990). The arrhythmia expressed in the title of the print produced by Peeter Ulas in 1979 is well-suited as the common denominator of this exhibition, in which the works of Villu Jaanisoo and Maria Metsalu are displayed along with his own. The carriers of emotion in these works are strikingly different, but the emotion itself – within the capability of the artist and the changing times – is surprisingly similar.

Festival “School Dance”
20 Jan – 02 Apr 2017
All over Estonia

Festival “School Dance” is the most popular and most widely attended annual dance event for children and youngsters in Estonia. The main objective of festival “School Dance” is to promote Estonian dance scene in a versatile way to generate interest towards dance in children and youngsters and, through young dancers and their parents, help value the art of dance in the Estonian society.

Exhibition “Today 50 Years Ago”
03 Jan – 23 Sep 2017
Long House of the Museum of Hiiumaa

The exhibition talks about the time 50 years ago – the period of 1966–1967. The standard of living of the country folks had remarkably improved compared to the two previous decades. The collective farms started to cope – the first sign of this was busy construction activity. New factories were erected as well as apartment houses changing the existing way of life.

Modigliani – the Cursed Artist
1/11 Feb and 3 Mar
Estonian National Opera

“Modigliani – the Cursed Artist” is Thomas Edur’s debut as stage director at the Estonian National Opera. The ballet tells an exciting story of the stormy life of Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920), one of the most famous bohemian artists of the 20th century. His art forms a bridge between the generation of Cubists and the Art Deco painters of the 1920s. Legends are told about Modigliani’s life – his eccentric nature, his bragging, emotional twists, passionate affairs with writers Anna Akhmatova and Beatrice Hastings, and artist Jeanne Hébuterne, a dream to mount Parnassus and his rivalry with Picasso, health problems and the onset of tuberculosis that he tried to conceal by excessive use of alcohol and drugs– it all provides colourful material for the birth of an astonishing stage-work.

10th Tallinn Winter Festival
03 Feb – 11 Feb

At Tallinn Winter Festival, superb guest artists from abroad as well as outstanding and recognised Estonian musicians, with whom PLMF has collaborated consistently for over ten years, will give  concerts. Since 2006, the festival has paid attention to those in need in our society under the motto “Raise Your Eyes and Open Your Heart”

Concert by Etnosfäär
03 Feb
Culture Club BAAS

Three musicians and three cognitions create a magical atmosphere, where folklore, jazz and electronics intertwine. Combining acoustic and electronic means, a music is born with a content from folk music and form from contemporary time.

Mozart and Salieri / The Impresario
1/11 Feb and 3 Mar
Theatre Vanemuine (Small Building, Vanemuise Str 45a)

This year, the world celebrates the 260th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. To mark the occasion, the tehatre will bring two short operas to the stage: a tragedy and a comedy, both tied to Mozart.

Kolkja Sled 2017
05 Feb
Peipsi County Visitor’s Centre

People in the Kolkja village near Lake Peipus have rode kick sledges from generation to generation. This year, will continue the tradition.
During Kolkja Kelk, a day dedicated to kick sledges, people will have a friendly race along the village streets both individually and in teams.

Dance performance ‘Beautiful’
5/6 Feb
Vaba Lava / Open Space

The artists say that their performance “Beautiful” is about good things, happiness and beauty that lives within us. Unforgettable situations in life, small miracles. This piece is about inner beauty that hopefully still saves the day.