This is the week of Shrove Tuesday and the Valentine´s Day. offers you a new selection of cultural events for this adventurous week!

What: Exhibition “Man with the Golden Button” 
When: February 8 – March 14, 2016
Where: The Museum of Hiiumaa, the Long House

Certainly many of us have seen a man with grimy clothes on the town, golden buttons shining on his uniform. He is often in a hurry, carrying a broom and a ladder. Most of the time, this man is some distance from us, namely – very high above us, among the chimneys on the roofs. This is why only a few have the opportunity to turn his golden button, which supposedly brings luck.

What: The new choreographers program Premiere 2016
When: premiere on February 11
Where: Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (Tallinn)

The program presents two performances: Joanna Kalm`s “Débutante” and Sylvia Köster`s “Star”. The performance “Débutante” asks: “How would I like to present myself as an artist? What if I will not be capable of verbally communicating the meaning of my creation? How to market and interpret art that is based on wordless intuition?” Sylvia Köster`s “Star” is more unearthly: it all begins in a cosmic, dark cloud made of gas and dust. At the core of the cloud a star is born – out of gravitational instability and heavy contractions. Temperature is rising, brightness is sharpening, rotational speed is growing.

What: Luisa Omielan with her latest show „Am I Right, Ladies!?“
When: February 11
Where: Apollo Solaris Cinema (Tallinn)

Comedy Estonia and Apollo Kino are proud to present a new fantastic concept by bringing the best international stand up comedy shows to the Apollo Solaris Kino. „Am I Right, Ladies!?“ is a signature ‘party with jokes’, an empowering manifesto. This is an uproariously funny feel-good show, combining a party atmosphere with Omielan’s brutally raw honesty and fearless approach. This all-out celebration of womanhood – loving her curves, loving her sexuality, loving the new-found confidence her career has given her.

What: Student Theatre Days
When: February 12 – 14
Where: University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy

Theatre groups from both Estonian and foreign universities will perform at the festival. There is no competition but the Three Wise Ones, a jury consisting of theatre professionals, play a key role in the festival by giving feedback for each group and performance.

What: exhibition „National Symbols from Far and Near“
When: February 13 – 21
Where: Tallinn Botanic Garden

The first exhibition of the jubilee year of Tallinn Botanic Gardens introduces the symbolic plants, birds and animals of almost 150 countries. The most important national symbols are the flag and the coat of arms. It is less known that each nation has also been fond of specific plants, animals and birds, some of which have been chosen to represent the nation and country as national symbols.

What: Telliskivi Social Dancing Weekend
When: February 13 – 14
Where: Telliskivi Creative City (Tallinn)

Telliskivi Social Dancing Weekend takes place on 13-14th of February in Telliskivi Creative City, Vaba Lava Theatre house! Two days contain 25 workshops, 18 different styles, experienced instructors from Estonia and UK and free social dancing events.

What: Concert series „If You Want to See, Close Your Eyes“
When: February 13 and 14
Where: Tartu H. Eller Music School, Tubin auditorium (Tartu) and House of the Brotherhood of Blackheads

In the freshness of February and light of the Valentine’s Day, mixed choir HUIK! invites you to a concert! The choral music with the traits of French surrealism will start a dialogue with Nordic songs.

What: Laura Remmel´s Valentine´s Day concert
When: February 14
Where: Kõue Manor

The cosy and uplifting concert, containing Laura Remmel’s most famous songs, is meant for everyone who values friendship and love and provides an opportunity to celebrate the devotion.

* Photo: Ivo Hofste