New recommendations for the new week!

Johannes Luik will create an installation – a psycho sculpture – that reflects the essence of the memories of the future:

“Currently, my home, the place where I live, is not my real home. When I think about home, I see a constantly changing image – a collection of my experiences and preferences – a memory of the future. Such an image about my home exists in my mind in supreme perfection – always the way I want it to be.”

On the occasion of the centenary of the Art Museum of Estonia, an examination of the museum’s collection will be organised in the Kumu’s Great Hall, the geographic and temporal dimensions of which extend from the international to the local, from the Middle Ages to the present day. All of the popular approaches to art history owe their emergence to the museum. But what happens when artists intervene and provide their own versions of an era, a work or a movement when an artist functions as a curator?

Curator: Eha Komissarov

Nargenfestival 2019: Laser and Lenses

10 Jul
11 Jul
12 Jul
13 Jul
14 Jul
Naissaar Island Omari Barn

On five July evenings the Naissaar island will host a lightshow concert performance Laser and Lenses, in which the author Dominy Clements continues to explore the life of Bernhard Schmidt, the world famous optician from Naissaar. The performance is a sequel to Clements’s opera An Enlightened Disciple of Darkness of the 2013 Nargenfestival, staged in Noblessner’s foundry and showing Bernhard Schmidt’s whole life. Laser and Lenses concentrates on one single day in 1935, the last year in the life of the famous optician. The main character’s dreams and experiences, spellbinding music and organ sound landscapes will meet on the stage with the laser harp’s rays in the focus of the stunning show. Oliver Kuusik as Schmidt will bring the main character close to the audience from the darkness of the past, inspired by his blood relation to the famous islander.

I Land Sound 2019

11–14 Jul
Orissaare Illiku islet

It is already the third summer in a row for the experience festival I Land Sound to land on the picturesque Illiku islet.

In a liberating atmosphere, surrounded by breathtaking nature we bring to you the best that music, art, being together and Estonian summer have to offer. You are a deep breath of fresh sea air and a ferry ride away from being able to shed your mask – on the island you’ll find your true self again.

Medieval Days

11–14 Jul
Tallinn’s Old Town

A sense of Hanseatic times can be felt in Tallinn Old town during the Medieval Days.

The Town Hall Square will be filled with medieval merchants and craft shops. Musicians and dancers from near and far will perform. A medieval parade will take place. You can find the village of masters and children’s area with study rooms, knight school and many other things on the hill of St. Nicholas’ Church. In addition, you can take part in many excursions, apprentice rooms and theatre performances.

Glasperlenspiel (‘Klaaspärlimäng’) – the name of the festival is inspired by the novel by Hermann Hesse. It provides a hint that the festival expects musicians that interpret the music from an unorthodox angle.

This prestigious festival focuses on special instruments, unusual associations and relations with other fields of art and philosophy.

Kihnu Sea Festival 2019

12–14 Jul
Kihnu Harbour

The tradition of Kihnu Sea Festival was born in 2010. The festival is named after a famous song by a local folk singer Järsumäe Virve.

The festival comes from the old Fishermen Day tradition but covers everything connected to Kihnu life: handicrafts, art, songs, dance, music and traditional food.

In 2019 the Kihnu Sea Festival will take place for the 10th time. This will be a big jubilee event.

Traces project is an experimental collaboration between two sisters, touching upon the same topic, whilst interpreting it in their own characteristic medium. The end result is a conceptual dialogue between paintings and photographs, allowing the works to develop new meanings within a site specific installation – a curated journey through the translucent layers of time.

The exhibition is a sequel to the sisters first collaborative exhibition Traces in Tallinn Portrait Gallery, 2018

Exhibition XENOS

13 Jul – 25 Aug
Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia

All the works at this exhibition have some relation to the notion of xenos, either trying to capture it psychologically or politically or trying to overcome it directly and/or symbolically, trying to build one’s singularity outside me/us – stranger dichotomy. It is an exhibition that doesn’t have activist pretensions in general, although it might include in some level also elements of direct action. It is more a contemplation, an essay in the form of an exhibition that tries to shed light upon the question of otherness and of strangeness from different angles provided by the wide range of artists participating at the show.