This week’s cultural menu includes stand-up comedy, a hymn to the blue sky, Hungarian poetry, noisy soundscapes, a German requiem, food films, an abstract choreographical thriller, synthesizers and technologies, handicraft and rooms of light. Enjoy!

Eddie Izzard’s stand-up ‘Wunderbar’

9 Apr
Alexela Concert House

Eddie Izzard is about to take on the universe again as he introduces us to his new International comedy tour ‘Wunderbar’. Eddie is back to his roots with an all-new rather personal show which expands on his own very unique, totally surreal view of life, love, history and his ‘theory of the universe’.

Tõnu Kõrvits, the beloved composer, celebrates an important milestone with his friends and creative partners with a personal concert that highlights the colours and diversity of his work.

Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Also participating: Riho Sibul (guitar), Ulla Krigul (organ), Virgo Veldi (saxophone), Lena Willemark (vocal)
Conductor Tõnu Kaljuste

Programme: Tõnu Kõrvits. ‘Hymn to the Blue Sky’, ‘Chorales of Thule’, ‘Song of the Sun’, ‘Leaving Elba’, ‘Kreek’s Notebook’

Post-it Poetry – The Day of Hungarian Poetry

11 Apr
Hungarian Institute and Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Tartu

On the 11th April, The Day of Hungarian Poetry will be celebrated. On the occasion, the Institute and the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Tartu will present its ‘Post-it Poetry’ installation, displaying hundful poems on colourful notes. You can read, enjoy and take away your favourite quotes!


11 Apr

mÜraton is a Thursday night, where five extraordinary performances of experimental sounds can be heard. The performers include Ryosuke Kiyasu (Tokyo), Zherbin (Helsinki), Sama Sasha (Helsinki), Hello Upan (Tallinn) and MIMproject (Tallinn).

The cooperation between the Saaremaa Museum and the Danish Cultural Institute has been fruitful and several Danish collectives have performed previously in Saaremaa. This time Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir will perform. The Danish Cultural Institute and Mogens Dahl are proud to present Brahms’ A German Requiem performed by a supreme Danish-Latvian artistic team.

Soprano: Elina Shimkus (LV)
Baritone: Kalvis Kalniņš (LV)
Mogens Dahl Kammerkor (Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir) (DK)
Piano: Tanja Zapolski & Rikke Sandberg (DK)
Conductor: Mogens Dahl (DK)

Food Film Festival

11–14 Apr
Cinema Sõprus

The first Estonian Food Film Festival offers gastronomical film experiences. A sneak peek is taken at the activities of culinary geniuses and also at the downside of the food industry. The movie experiences are considered successful if you feel hungry. If your stomach turns then it’s a different kind of worthy movie experience.

Kädi Metsoja “tegeele”

11, 13, 15, 16 Apr
Kanuti Gildi SAAL

‘tegeele’ is an abstract choreographical thriller where the protagonist finds herself in situations in which previous experiences are of no help, exiting is impossible and all doors are closed. As it is suitable for a thriller all the knots will be untied at the end – outer threat will become inner being. But before that can happen, the protagonist has to face challenges and understand if falling down is scarier than falling up. She has to discover whether when she is not here, is she then there or is she not at all? A person who closes a door is not the same one who opened it.

Next event by Estonian Electronic Music Society invites you to a curated talk with Estonian electronic music pioneer Sven Grünberg. The talk will focus on his electronic compositions, synthesizers and technologies used over the years. Sven Grünberg’s musical examples will be played on vinyls. The talk will be held by Taavi Kerikmäe.

Tallinn Handicraft Fair

12–14 Apr
Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

The Tallinn Handicraft Fair is a great craft event which aims to popularize handicrafts.

Exhibition ‘Rooms of Light’

12 Apr – 5 May
Tartu Art House

On Thursday, 11 April at 5 p.m. exhibition of four Finnish female artists ‘Rooms of Light’ will be opened in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House. The exhibition of three painters, Saija Koponen, Anne Tompuri and Sofia Wilkan and the photo and installation artist Johanna Ilvessalo explore the confluences of light, shadows, darkness, cosmical, metaphysical, mystical and natural.