Take a peek at the cultural potpourri of the week!
15th World Film Festival
19 Mar – 24 Mar
Estonian National Museum, Tartu
During one week, the world films take the audience to all the continents and introduce a number of „aliens” with whom it is possible to get acquainted. In addition to the films screenings, special programmes, exhibitions, workshops and meetings with filmmakers will take place.
Exhibition „Let’s Add Some Colour. Estonian Exhibition Posters from the 1980s”
17 Jan – 6 May
Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn
The exhibition presents a selection of exhibition posters from the high tide of the Estonian poster art. Artists: Villu Järmut, Enn Kärmas, Margus Haavamägi, Jüri Kass, Silver Vahtre, Ruth Huimerind, Ülo Emmus, Andrei Kormašov, Tiina Alver.
The 10th birthday of Estonian Traditional Music Centre: Zetod
23 Mar
Estonian Traditional Music Centre, Viljandi
The Estonian Traditional Music Centre will celebrate the anniversary, giving the audience a truly powerful show on its 10th birthday. The Seto folk rock band Zetod is celebrating at the party its 15th year of band making and presents their new, fifth music album. It will be a long and crazy jubilee night.
Sound and dusk festival „Night of the Estonian National Museum”
24 Mar
Estonian National Museum, Tartu
The festival is dedicated to the vernal equinox and invites you to listen how the time flows in both the sound and the word. Night of the Estonian National Museum opens the mysterious corners of the museum with seven concerts, which are connected through the Estonian National Museum’s timeline.
Lady Day
25 Mar
Estonian Open Air Museum, Tallinn
The Lady Day is one of the most important women’s holidays. By this time women would have finished their chores indoors and could wear white festive clothes, go to the inn, drink red drink and do some fortune-telling. The Lady Day was also considered to mark the beginning of spring.
Urmas Puhkan’s exhibition „Nerves”
3 Feb – 29 Apr
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn
The solo exhibition „Nerves” by ceramicist Urmas Puhkan is inspired by the tension in society, the vibrations of nervousness that he finds impossible to ignore. Like the artist says, „Nerves are on edge.”
Exhibition „1982”
28 Feb – 31 Dec
Haapsalu Town Hall, Haapsalu
The local agronomist and amateur photographer Ants Maripuu (1952–2015) captured the everyday life in the countryside which was considered not to be worth photographed at that time, but today these pictures have become a unique source of history.