This lovely springtime week has great tastes, good music, festive cinema sessions and a bit of history hidden in it, so here is a little guide to find them by. Enjoy!
Tallinn Old Town Food Festival
12–22 Apr
Tallinn’s Old Town
This year, all those who appreciate fine dining and innovative flavours are welcome to rediscover the restaurants of the Old Town for the third year in a row. Eight chefs will cross their swords – or knives – in a culinary battle, and the winner of the festival will be chosen in part by input from the diners. This year’s competitors are the chefs of the following restaurants: Leib Resto ja Aed, Kaerajaan, Dom, Dominic, Olde Hansa, Balthasar, Seafood Bar and Goodwin The Steak House.
Egyptian-themed movie night
17 Apr
Art Museum of Tartu University
The evening starts with a two-part historical documentary on Napoleon’s campaign for Egypt and continues on a lighter way,  with the film The Mummy (2017), starring Tom Cruise.
Kumu Documentary: “Braguino”
18 Apr
Kumu auditorium
In the middle of the Siberian taiga, 450 miles from the nearest village, live two families: the Braguines and the Kilines. Not a single road leads there. A long trip, first on the Ienissei River by boat, then by helicopter, is the only way to reach Braguino. Self-sufficient, both families live there according to their own rules and principles. In the middle of the village, there is a barrier. This is a familiar story and here is a chance to find out how this one plays out.
Tallinn Book Fair 2018
19–21 Apr
Estonian National Library
Nearly 20 publishing houses introduce and sell their products at Tallinn Book Fair. In addition, there will be meetings with authors, book presentations, workshops, and activities for people of all ages.
Sõprus 63! Brazil
19 Apr
Cinema Sõprus
It is a celebration: Cinema Sõprus celebrates its 63rd birthday with the cult film Brazil. Terry Gilliam’s cautionary vision of the future is one of the most powerful films of the 1980s, comparable with anti-totalitarian works of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Kurt Vonnegut. With its design, cinematography, music and special effects, Brazil fascinates the audience over and over again.
11th Harpsichord Festival
21–28 Apr
Different venues
Festival will be held at the main concert halls of Tallinn – Kadriorg Palace, the Great Guild Hall, the Ungern-Sternberg Palace (Hall of the Academy of Sciences) and the House of the Blackheads. Concerts will feature performers from France, Italy, Germany, Romania, Russia, Lithuania, and Estonia, including the youngest harpsichord players of Estonia.
Exhibition “Saved Sanctity. Icons from the Collection of Nikolai Kormashov”
11 Apr – 11 Nov
Mikkel Museum
The icon collection of the artist Nikolai Kormashov (1929–2012) is unique for several reasons. It contains a number of rare icons from northern Russia, the environs of Pechory, and elsewhere. The display includes the stories of finding each of the icons and tells about the difficult fate of sacred images and their role in the art of the second half of the 20th century.
Köler Prize 2018. Exhibition of Nominees
31 Mar – 20 May
Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia
Köler Prize is an art award established in 2011 by the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM). Its main objective throughout the years has been to give recognition to important artists and art collectives that are active in Estonia and to popularise contemporary art in general. Five artists or art collectives of Estonian origin or who reside permanently in Estonia are nominated for the Köler Prize on the basis of their creative work over the past three years. The nominees for the Köler Prize are selected by the board of EKKM. From 2016, Köler Prize takes place biennially. The nominees for the Köler Prize 2018 are Anna Škodenko, Holger Loodus, Taavi Talve, Tanja Muravskaja and Tarvo Varres.
17th Tallinn Print Triennial
20 Apr – 26 Aug
Places of art
The 17th Tallinn Print Triennial will take place in the spring and summer of 2018 in Kumu Art Museum, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM) with satellite events in other exhibition venues. The upcoming Print Triennial will be governed by the notion of tradition that addresses both the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia and the 50 years of activity of the Print Triennial as an institution. However, the theme of tradition is not reducible to the anniversary celebrations; the triennial programme will analyze the wider meaning of tradition – the consistency of traditions, changes caused by the surrounding context as well as ‘untraditionality’ and potential alternative traditions.