This night is special for us Estonians, because the night lasts only for seconds and the light never dies. This time it is especially nice, because the midsummer’s night is on Friday, so one can celebrate the sun for the whole of the weekend. We have picked out seven special places for you to visit during this wonderful weekend.

20th Suure-Jaani Music Festival
…– 23 Jun
The festival dedicated to composers Kapp, classical and Estonian music and musicians, offers something for every taste nevertheless.  In addition to concerts, a competition for young singers and songwriters, photo and art exhibitions, and meetings with artists at lunch time, take place. The pearl of the festival is the traditional sunrise concert taking place at 3 in the morning on the Hüpassaare bog island of Soomaa National Park.
Avinurme Barrel Fair
23 Jun
This is a real piece of folk culture.  There are crafts and there is food and also  there is an entertainment program for any age on the barrel stage. On stage will be recognised performers of Avinurme as well as guests. As is appropriate for the Year of Children’s and Youth Culture, both the young and those young at heart will take the stage.
The main performer of the day is the village band of Nedsaja.
There is actually  something going on all over Avinurme.
New and interesting things at Wooden Handicrafts Centre and Elulaadikeskus (Lifestyle Centre). The guests can take the famous Avinurme train or enjoy treats by summer cafés. The locally famous Ilves Sisters will give the first concert of their summer tour in Avinurme church and  the performance “Millal sa tagasi tuled?” (“When Are You Coming Back?”) by Avinurme Summer Theatre is also performed.
Victory Day and Midsummer’s Eve at Raadi Manor Park
23 Jun – 24 Jun
Estonian National Museum

The Estonian National Museum invites you to  celebrate Victory Day and Midsummer’s Eve at Raadi Manor Park. There will be a light lit  and music played and dances danced. There is also said to be a carousel and a trampoline, exhibitions and outdoor chess, mall cars and orientation and offcourse a bonfire with performances by Lõõtsavägilased, Folksell and Konterbant.

Midsummer Day in the Estonian Open Air Museum
23 Jun
The Estonian Open Air Museum
There will be bonfires, instrument-playing by well known folk musicians, colourful striped skirts will swirl in an uninterrupted dance, village swings squeak and children shriek playing the old-time games. Tuulelõõtsutajad and Leigarid will be dancing, Svjata Vatra will heat up the atmosphere, and the romantic mood is created by Trio Romansid. They also invite people to go search for the fern blossom and we encourage you to go do that, just keep in mind  that ferns don’t actually have blossoms and that is an eufemism.
Vihula Manor Midsummer Eve bonfire
23 Jun
Vihula Manor
Just like in the olden days, there will be singing and dancing, playing and talking at Vihula Manor. Food and drink are offered at the Midsummer Eve grounds, Kaval-Ants’ tavern, and Vesiveski. The ensemble Kihnu Poisid will sing and play for dancing for long after midnight. A Midsummer Eve magic workshop is held to predict the future for whoever is interested. After midnight, the party continues to the rhythms of disco music until there is someone left to dance.
Narva Medieval Festival
24 Jun – 25 Jun
Narva Castle
And now for something completely different, but also very much fun. Narva Museum invites all history-lovers to Narva Castle on June 24-25, where the medieval days will be resurrected at the Narva Medieval Festival in cooperation with the Teutonic Order from St. Petersburg. In the courtyard of Narva Castle, scenes from the year 1346, when the sales agreement of the castle was signed by the King of Denmark and the German Order, will be re-enacted. The guests can watch and cheer on knights’ tournaments as well as sword and archery competitions. Medieval musicians aka minstrels and travelling clowns aka skomorokhs will perform, there will be theatre and versatile entertainment, characteristic of the era.
Fourth summer season of Voronja gallery: Peter Belyi “Open Borders”
24 Jun – 25 Jun
Voronja Gallery
The exhibition is compiled by St. Petersburg-based artist and curator Peter Belyi, who has involved artists in the exhibition who work on creating connections between the organic and inorganic worlds and use nature or natural processes for creating art. But that is definitely not the only reason we want you to visit that area. It is really something special. Even if you find Estonian nature and culture special in general, this place (this whole area actually) is even more memorable!