We’re inviting you to the Culture Digihack on 10-12 June to digitize minority culture. The event takes place in Narva and free transportation is organized from Tallinn and Tartu. The organizers will also take care of accommodation for everyone coming from outside of Narva.
The aim of the event is to build digital solutions that raise social awareness and interest in the importance of cultural heritage and its preservation. You don’t have to have a lot of digital skills to take part in the hackathon. We’re welcoming participants from all backgrounds! The most important thing is that you have an idea that you want to bring to life or want to contribute to building solutions with your knowledge about culture, problem-solving skills, team leadership etc.
The organizers of the event will make sure that there will be enough developers and designers at the event to build prototypes of all the ideas. Field experts and technical mentors will be at the hackathon to support the process.
We’re looking for solutions in the following topic areas:
✨ Cultural education
✨ Exhibitions to museums and libraries
✨ Preserving and developing traditional heritage
✨ Collaboration and communication between nationalities
✨ Showcasing cultural heritage in digital environment
✨ Fostering intergenerational connections and the growth of future generations of cultural associations
How does this sound? Find more information here: https://garage48.org/events/kultuuri-digihakk
Registration is open until June 5th here: https://garage48.typeform.com/to/GPbqxzp6
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Marketing Manager of the event Jana: jana@garage48.org
See you at the event!