Press release
From the end of August until December, a Google-supported media project “Resilient Baltics” will take place in Estonia, the aim of which is to promote civil society cohesion and develop tools to combat fake news in social networks and the general information field.
All indifferent people who are interested in this topic and all those who want to learn and teach others how to prevent misinformation in media and social networks are invited to participate. The project will consist of three stages:
- On 22nd, 24th, and 25th of August from 10AM-11.30AM a series of 90-minute video lectures will be held in Zoom by Monica Henley (USA), an expert-developer of methods to counteract disinformation. Participation is free, registration is required via LINK.
The working language of the seminars is English, but all information materials will also be distributed in Estonian and Russian languages
- After the lectures, participants are invited to form Media Clubs in their local communities with the support of BCME and pass on the knowledge they have learnt through a series of eight lectures based on the media and information literacy methodology.
- The outcome of the clubs will be grants for local communities to hold their own media literacy events, which can be film or music events, local traditional events, social media games, or workshops and articles.
And the finale of the project’s work will be a common meeting of the participants of the “Resilient Baltics”s project, in Riga in spring 2024
In the age of digital media, it is increasingly necessary for people to have strong media literacy skills in order to navigate the complex media landscape. It is important for adult educators to develop effective teaching methodologies that equip adults with the critical thinking skills necessary for thoughtful and informed media consumption and evaluation.
During the project, we will explore a variety of media literacy teaching techniques adapted for adult students, such as the use of interactive activities, discussion-based learning, and real-life episode debriefing.
According to Valeria Mihhailova, the coordinator of the “Resilient Baltics” project in Estonia, today is the moment when we need to talk frankly with each other about topics that for many months we have been afraid to talk about, only in this way can we together overcome these difficult times poisoned by people’s distrust of each other.
“Thanks to funding from Google, we have launched “Resilient Baltics” says Gunta Sloga, executive director of BCME. – We will work with media and civic activists and communities to look together for an antidote to the misinformation that is so painfully and dangerously splitting society today, these are common problems for the whole Baltic region. The war in Ukraine has shown that community resilience is of paramount importance, and we are grateful to Google
The “Resilient Baltics” project is organized by the Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME) with the support of Google company
Additional Information
Valeria Mihhailova
Coordinator of the “Resilient Baltics” project in Estonia